Over the past three years, I have had the opportunity to facilitate creative art workshops in three different settings. The first setting was spread over a 4 week period, this included a group facilitation project with 6 facilitators and 6 participants; working alongside the participants in their school work in the morning, and a creative arts activity planned by the facilitators in the afternoon. The second setting was spread over a 14 week period; 2 sessions per day, once a week. I facilitated these sessions as a 1:1 activity and a group activity; 1:1 session in the morning, group session in the afternoon. The final setting is currently still ongoing, these sessions are spread over a 16 week period; 2 sessions per day, once a week. One session was facilitated in the morning; 1:1 session, and another in the afternoon; group session.
All three of the settings that I have had the opportunity to facilitated at are completely different to each other, yet all as enjoyable and challenging as each other. I have learnt many things throughout these settings, and have grown considerably as a creative arts practitioner. I look forward to facilitating sessions in future settings, this will enable me to have a range of experience and gain future knowledge of different participants needs and abilities.